Online dating can be a lot of fun, but every time I make arrangements to meet someone I have met on my online dating site, I am a little apprehensive. Even if we have been conversing by email or instant messaging, or even by phone for awhile, there is no way of knowing if the chemistry will be right or not, until you actually meet.
I believe that chemistry is completely physical, and we are all very individual about what, or whom, we are attracted to. There are five senses, and they all need to be satisfied. Looks are important, but certainly not everything. The sound of his voice, the smell of his hair, the taste of his kiss and the touch of his hand . . . these are all significant, but the main factor happens to be pheromones. Let's face it, there is something highly erotic about a man fresh and sweaty from the gym (if in fact, the pheromones are right). And a little sweat in the bedroom can be a turn-on.
Perhaps it would be a good idea if we always meet at a gym for our first online date with someone. After a good, hard workout together, the chemistry factor will be poignantly clear. Just a thought. Me. . . .I like the idea of seeing the man hot and sweaty, in shorts and a tank, with his muscles bulging from lifting weights. But that's my fantasy.
So, back to reality . . . . .
It's chemistry first, and everything else later. I should know. I got an A in my Chemistry class in college! (It didn't have a THING to do with that HOT Professor LOL)!