Single and Loving It????
Can Singledom be awesome?
We always hear so much about the merits of coupledom, but I want to remind you that singledom can have many wonderful assets.
1. I have the whole queen sized bed to myself. The covers are ALWAYS on MY side and usually wrapped completely around me by morning. Of course I do have to share my bed with my kitty cat. It's strange that she often takes up more room than a man would.
2. I can do what I want, when I want, without having listen to anyone else telling me what I SHOULD be doing. If I want to parade up and down Main Street waving a British flag chanting "God save the Queen!" I can and I will. I might get tackled by American enthusiasts or be eaten by a pack of coyotes, but it would still be MY choice.
3. It doesn't matter what I look like in the morning, noon, or night. I don't need to impress anyone with my beauty and great breath at 6 am, when all I want to do is drag around in my old moth eaten robe from the 90's.
4. Vacations are so much fun. There's nothing better than hanging out alone in a fancy hotel room with a bottle of champagne and a book. I can hang out all day at the Museum of Purple People Eaters, spend 2 hours in the Jacuzzi tub and have room service for every meal without having to watch Fox News....Not even once!
5. Going out to eat is great fun. Sitting by yourself at a table always draws the question, "Will someone be joining you?" or "Just one?" This last comment is always said with an incredulous look spiced with a dash of pity.
6. I don't have to cook anything I dislike, like cabbage or brussel sprouts. I can live on pizza and Chinese food without a thought of pleasing anyone else. Casseroles and BBQ's are a thing of the past :)
7. The toilet seat is always in the down position. My hands stay clean and my bottom stays dry. When I stumble in at midnight in the dark I don't plop down onto a recently soaked toilet. Why is it that after decades of practice men seem to be unable to aim for the water or put the toilet seat back down? I think if us women were blessed with a man's appendage, it would only take us to the age of 3 to actually hit our target.
8. Football is not on my itinerary. I prefer not to watch grown men chasing and attacking each other into submission in the name of sports. I can deal with baseball, and basketball, but please, no football.
9. Most importantly, I can wear my warm flannel pj's to bed in total comfort without an ounce of guilt. No more cutsie nighties that get twisted every which way, and are impossible to sleep in. I can't tell you how many times I have awakened with my thong wrapped around my big toe....and IT'S TIGHT.
10. I only have one person to answer to about my excess weight, bad haircut or my third visit to traffic school. No more explanations about how I hardly eat anything, I need a new hairdresser or the police officer just doesn't like blonds. I know what the truth is, and the person I am always talking to in the shower (that would be ME) generally agrees with me. So HAH!
So the next time one of your coupled friends singles you out to tell you how great their life is, remember that happiness comes in all shapes and sizes. Your happiness may look different, but in the end happiness is happiness, pure and simple.